IFS AUGUST 2018 will be available on newsstands in the U.S. and Canada starting July 10. To order a copy of this issue or to subscribe to International Figure Skating, click HERE

As a young girl from a small town in Canada’s easternmost province, Kaetlyn Osmond dreamed of being in the spotlight and performing in ice shows. Being the centre of attention was what it was all about for her, but she knew the only way to achieve that goal was to make a name for herself in the competitive world.

With three Olympic medals — one of each color — from two Winter Games and a World crown to her credit, the girl from Marystown exceeded all her childhood dreams. Osmond is the feature story of the IFS August 2018 issue.


IFS-August-2018 At the end of an Olympic season, coaching changes, partner splits and retirements take place in the world of figure skating. Few, however, capture global attention.

Despite a disappointing result at the 2018 Olympic Winter Games, the four-time Grand Prix finalists are not ready to give up on the dream of standing on an Olympic podium, and are forging ahead in hope of capturing a medal at the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing.

IFS-August-2018She has enjoyed a multi-faceted career many may dream about, but one that few have ever had the opportunity to actually live. From a teenage pairs champion to award-winning choreographer, there is no creative medium Sandra Bezic has not explored.

The big question now is whether Milan was the competitive farewell for Savchenko and Massot. They are keeping their options open, but Savchenko, 34, indicated she would like to continue for one or two more seasons. However, Massot, 29, is inclined to end his competitive career.

