

Canadian ice dance icons Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir set a new World record in the short dance at 2017 Skate Canada International in Regina, Saskatchewan in mid-October.

Virtue and Moir earned 82.68 points for their efforts, beating their own record, which they set at the 2017 World Championships six months earlier. ″It was a great short for us,’’ said Moir. ″We’ve been working hard on it technically. We felt we were both able to execute and get into the performance of the program.’’

Skating to music from ″Moulin Rouge’’ the Canadian duo earned 199.86 points for the free dance, once again setting a new World record that was 1.24 points higher than the one they set at 2017 Worlds in Helsinki. The duo captured their seventh and final Skate Canada title in a runaway victory.

″We are different athletes, we are different people,’’ said Virtue. ″We are just in a different place in how we feel on our skates, and how we feel on the ice. It is nice when that feels like home.’’

Virtue and Moir said records are not important at this point in their career, but that their friends and family think what they are doing is impressive. Virtue sees it as a validation that they are on the right track. ″I think that World record will get beaten a couple of times this year,’’ said Moir. ″It’s nice to see it on the scoreboard, but we know that’s going to change.’’

They are now just three months away from what is probably the biggest competition of their career — the 2018 Olympic Winter Games — where they hope to make history as the first ice dance team to ever claim two Olympic crowns.


“Moulin Rouge” – 2017 Skate Canada International